Thursday, September 27, 2012

Creative Calatyst

Sometimes everything happens in a moment. A previously unseen and unknown force sweeps through everything to create or destroy, ultimately leading to a whole new paradigm that couldn't have been conceived before "the happening."

Today was that day for me in a couple of different ways. One part being linked to my first meeting with Dale, leader of a very innovative and creative association to expand our little Uptown community. He has given many small businesses the opportunity to grow and thrive, leading to a higher likeliness of success.

He has offered me the chance to create a cafe from scratch, built and contoured to my own vision of what I think would benefit the area and it's inhabitants the most. This has lead to a great deal of excitement, as well as intimidation to the task at hand. I know that I'm quite the capable creative and this is a big step regarding my current career path, but there is quite a bit to be done in somewhat unfamiliar territory. I'd love to brush my trepidation to the side entirely, but I'm thorough and practical in my mindset. I know that this is a huge task and pretty big deal to a lot of people (myself being close to the top of that list.)

The second part of this day's stimulus that I'm allowing to cascade me into the future is the urge to start documenting my tarot spreads. I have asked questions and done some written interpretations of the message in the cards, but today seems like the perfect day to start (and keep up with) this online journal that I've ached to begin, but neglected to really start.

The question I inquired of the universe, channeled through my vibrantly colorful friends of the Rider Waite persuasion, was about this opportunity for me. Memories of this morning swirled through my head, as I envisioned working together with my partner in the building process and at long last, serving the customers our delicious soon-to-be organic menu and special herb tea blends. What will this mean for me as an entrepreneur? What will it lead to in the future for me? What can I expect to run into during this process?

Obviously I wasn't very concise and specific with my query, but I suppose I was just requesting an illustration of a prominent issue that I should be made aware of amidst my efforts. I've felt comfortable with the five-card spread that Lora (my spiritual teacher/universe maven) and I have been using, so that was the organizational spread that I decided to use. The following is what came up:

PAST:  Five of Cups
      I have been mulling over the lack of career opportunities present in my life. Sulking over the spilled potential of my material life, I have been neglecting (it seems) other present goodness that would lead to a worthy path of pursuit.

PRESENT: Five of Pentacles
      After my morning meeting (and coming to understand the task at hand) I recognize the task at hand.... as less than lucrative initially. Logistics of pay and planning were not thoroughly discussed, but I sense that this project will require a great deal of work without the material benefits. I understand this as a worthy cause, but it may not be able to coat my finances with the same shiny polish that I would actively be applying to this endeavor.

      This enterprise will be a constant battle to succeed. There is a lot to consider and a ton of people that will be contemplating these issues alongside me. Lots of differentiating opinions... a great deal is at stake; especially regarding the invested grant money and trust of those who want this venture to be successful. I'll have to fight for my opinion to be heard and battle all obstacle adversaries to ensure an optimum final turnout.

ADVICE: Seven of Pentacles (reversed)
      I need to accept that I might not reap the lucrative benefits that I would ideally like to receive for my efforts. Observing the situation from a far might help me decide whether or not this project is worth pursing.

OUTCOME: Queen of Wands
     I've found myself a bit more widespread in my interpretation of the court cards after my Metaphysical Handbook readings. This could mean that I will gain a great deal of understanding from any minimal attempts to get this cafe up and running. There is always a lot to learn from any experience, but this specific situation might lead to knowledge not easily acquired from everyday life. These cards have also been said to reference a person that I either already know, or will come to know in the future. I might meet someone who will showcase how my participation in this has benefit my own personal/career evolution, as well as others.

Needless to say, my ecstatic balloon of an ideal opportunity was deflated a bit by a bit of situational, overhead grounding. However, I have tried to (and was reminded of this evening) remember the importance of reflecting on the purpose of any Tarot card reading. It is flickering message of a potential, not a finite recording of the future. These are things that I need to be made aware of before any verbal contract commitments/personal promise of energy is invested. They say that the reading of one spread can change the final outcome of an entire situation, just by the layout's influence over the listener.

I'll be sure to keep these things in mind I suppose, but I think I'll opt to flow with the current that has been bestowed upon my swimming space.  All that I can do is my best, while balancing the needs of another with the weight of my own personal needs and goals.

As a wise fish once said, "just keep swimming."


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